Reasons to Get a Six Sigma Certification | Benefits of Six Sigma Green Belt Certification | Quality Certification - Get Professionally Certified | ASQ
How does six sigma Green belt certification help professionals? Seven Steps academy is offering Lean Six Sigma certification training on behalf of American Society of Quality – ASQ South Asia. American Society for Quality (ASQ) is a worldwide globally recognized body, which has more than 85000 Quality professionals as members, who are experts from a wide spectrum of industries, educational institutions, medical colleges and hospitals etc., related to quality. A Certification from ASQ is considered a mark of quality excellence and is recognized by more than 125 organizations worldwide. It helps in the advancement of professional development, builds credibility and recognition among peers as a part of the global community. A certification helps in career advancement and significantly helps the professional improve organizations bottom line through effective application of quality tools and methods. For operational managers who hav...